“I’m so thankful to have my career figured out!
Thanks again, guys, for everything.
I appreciate it.”
Some of our training is so specialized that it’s offered by request at a location of your choice.
Please Contact Us to Get More Info! or Call Chase Bryan at 913-319-2626.
With so many contracted employees working for BNSF Railways, Roadway Worker Protection is not just an FRA requirement for trackside workers, but it is also designed to prevent catastrophic accidents and injuries from occurring. The end goal is that everyone goes home safely at the end of every workday.
To that end, NARS offers two types of Roadway Worker Protection training using BNSF’s Maintenance of Way Operating Rules training.
For contractors, this course will provide basic knowledge of Federal Railroad Association (FRA) CFR 214 and BNSF’s Maintenance of Way Operating Rules. Upon completion of the course, contractors will still be required to have their On Track Protection provided by BNSF employees. This up to 30 hour course requires an annual one-day refresh class to stay current.
Taking this course does not guarantee that an individual will be re-qualified. The FRA states that each track owner is responsible for designating and recording which individuals are considered to be qualified and/or re-qualified.
Course objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Prerequisites: None
Contact hours: 30
Required equipment: None
This course is the annual refresher of the content covered in Maintenance of Way Operating Rules. The course provides the opportunity for qualified roadway workers to stay current and up-to-date on key elements of CFR 214. Upon completion of the course, contractors will still be required to have their On Track Protection provided by BNSF employees.
This course meets BNSF’s yearly requirement.
Prerequisites: Maintenance of Way Operating Rules or Maintenance of Way Operating Rules – Employee in Charge
Contact hours: 8 hours
Required equipment: None
This two-day course focuses on safety and correct train handling procedures. It is designed for industries that use loop or lateral tracks as a means to load and unload commodities or other materials on company premises.
The students will have the opportunity for hands-on application during the second day of training.
**Note** All training is conducted at the customer’s facility.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Maximum class size: 8 students
Prerequisites: None
Classroom contact hours: 8 hours
Field contact hours: 8 hours, up to 16 hours
Required equipment: Safety-toed boots, safety glasses, gloves